
Showing posts from July 7, 2013

About a House

This morning, as I was browsing through my Twitter account, the song Hold Me in Your Arms by Southern Sons started playing in my computer, and suddenly I was transported back in time when the song was still playing on the airwaves - my high school days in Samar, in our old house, my home for many years. Memories had been a lot in that old house - the times when me, my brothers, and friends would play "baril-barilan"; the times when we would be left during weekends and friends would be invited to sleep over; those times when me, my brother Dino, and my nephew Yan-yan would spend many hours in the night collecting water into containers; those times when I’d just lay on the sofa and watch MTV all day; those many afternoons spent on the roof with my bestfriend Yanie, Dino, and Yan-yan just talking.   And during the time when I was studying in Manila, the numerous meals and the many drinking sessions shared with Yanie and my other bestfriend Aping when...